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(7 edits) (+1)

Hello Moro, 

congratulations for this fantastic product. The quality is incredibly high (insanely high if you consider that it's a free product!). 

If you want it, I make myself available to translate in italian to make it playable in that language too: the Character Sheet, Oracles Reference, Moves Reference, Asset Cards and Truth Sheet (in order). The Book it's too much for the time I have a disposal : D 

What do you think?

Hello, fellow neo-latin native speaker!

I'm up to it.

Check my contacts on the second page of the PDF and reach me however you like.


Awesome, I wrote you an email : )


Hello! Small question. For the Familiar power Asset, it says when you drain a small animal it becomes your familiar. Does that mean you can only take this power if you also have the Animal Drinker nature Asset which is needed to drink blood from animals from what I read?

Animal Drinker is unrequired. You may drain animals anyway you come up with (letting them bleed to death, for example).

(3 edits) (+2)

Hi Moro!

I had my first read-through. Great Game!

I found some typos and wrote down two or three thoughts I had while reading. I put them below. Please know, that they are no critique whatsoever, just some thoughts I had and that I’d like to share.

  • “She queen also names a keeper for each one of them” p. 62
  • Page 60 “, basing they hierarchy on the city and its ruler, the queen.”
  • Page 65 “Astake”.
  • Page 33 says gain +1 focus on Weak hit, Face Danger move does not say so on p. 44.
  • What is the stat for the healing action role? p. 34
  • Character creation is at the beginning, but Lineages change the rules for the creation. That came a bit surprising.
  • Link inciting incident on page 29.

Thanks again for the fun I’m having with this!

P.S. Oh, And I’d love to have a table of content in the moves reference. That would speed things a bit, especially in the beginning.

P.P.S. “, you gain experience ponts per”, p. 39.

P.P.P.S. The Form a Bond move on p. 52 says, earn XP according to rank, but then lists ticks and boxes as if it were a progress track. Shouldn’t XP be earned in whole points?

Hello, Loxlei!

I'll fix the typos as soon as my day job lets me, and I'll consider building a Moves table of contents in the next update — it's very reasonable, and I'm grateful for your idea.

Also, it always makes me glad to know someone else is having fun with my little game.

Thanks for your feedback!


Hi, I have a question about custom assets.

I am planning to have some lore related stuff be translated or take form of an asset, such as connection to people, influence, places or specific items.

Do we still have to spend 3 exp to get them or do the character obtain them when they do obtain them?

I'm bad at judging if something is too OP or not so another opinion would be a really big help for me.

Acquiring assets requires two things:

  • 3 xp
  • Narrative context

For example, you can't just "learn" to be a Gunslinger out of the blue, you also must frame it fictionally: the character trains hard by herself with a gun, or is taught by someone else, your call — it just has to make sense inside the story. 

If I were you, I'd write specific conditions for buying the asset, like "this asset can only be chosen when you gather information about X", or something along these lines.

Good luck!


Ah that makes more sense, thank you.


If you want to create your on assets, have a look at It makes creating the cards a breeze. (Not my project.)


Hi Moro!

The link to Elegy Light in the announcement is dead. Is it not available any more?

(1 edit)

Elegy Lite didn't die, it became what Elegy is today. The liteness was centered around the one-size-fits-all Action Roll.

Originally, Elegy had as many moves as Starforged. Now, moves are an optional rule.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation!

I downloaded Elegy and skimmed through. Great stuff! Looking forward to a read-through on the weekend.

I hope you have a blast!


I do!


Looks amazing, but I’m a bit confused by both Awe and Lore Keeper. They have “+1 forward” listed as effects. Did you mean “+1 focus” on those?

+1 forward means +1 in the next related action.


Wow! You did such a great work here... Thank you very much!

You're welcome!


I've been itching to play WoD/CoD games for many years, but I can't find a group to play with. 

Elegy is an absolute blessing, and I can't wait to properly sink my teeth (sorry :p) into the game. 

Thank you so much for creating this fantastic game. 

**If anybody is interested in giving some of the other WoD games (Mage, Geist, Werewolf, whatever) the Elegy/Ironsworn treatment, reach out and maybe we can collaborate :) 


A labor of love. Amazing work, Mircale M!

You combine the mechanics of Ironsworn and VtM really well.

Thank you so much!


On a skim this looks like a great adaptation of the Starforged rules (and that's coming from a diehard werewolf enthusiast)! 


Hello! As I continue to read the (excellent) rulebook, I noticed another confusing thing.

On page 35, it is stated that "During character creation, you can choose up to three non-power assets, including any ritual assets" but on page 29, it is stated that I must "Pick three assets (at least 1 power)".

So, which is the correct one?


At least one power, friend.



so awesome 🧛🏻‍♂️ 

Thank you! 🧛‍♀️


the new version made what was already excellent excellent... a robust system that mixes ironsworn and vampire the masquerade with perfection...

Thank you so much, my friend!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! I love Elegy 3 so far. I am currently using it in a modern-day/near-future science fantasy setting where vampires and werebeasts peacefully and openly coexist with humans. I use Starforged for the humans and Silversworn for the werebeasts.

I have a few questions however:

  1. What does the second ability of the Path of the Tongue exactly do? It suddenly cuts off after the line "blood link (or your progenitor) you can".
  2. What does the first ability of the Path of Radiance exactly do? Does it mean that vampires without them sleep in the day and wake up in the night?
  3. What does the second ability of the Path of Radiance exactly do? It is a bit unclear to me tbh since it is stated in the rules that I spend 1 Blood to wake up every sunset.
  4. Can I create my own Truths or modify existing ones or am I only able to choose from the available ones?
  5. If I picked Weak Blood does it mean that I cannot pick things such as Fierce and Path of Radiance?

Hello, Cavenir!

1. Will add this to an update: "When you meditate silently for 30 minutes while repeating the name of someone with whom you share a blood link you can communicate telepathically with her for one scene." Thank you for noticing!

2. Yes. See Weaknesses in page 59.

3. It reverses your sleep cycle. You still spend 1 blood to wake up.

4. Of course! Feel free to do whatever you want with the game.

5. You can still pick Fierce and use your claws, it works mechanically the same way, just narratively different. And you can still pick Path of Radiance.

And thank you for your compliment! I hope you have a blast!
(5 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much!

But the "reverses your sleep cycle" thing is a bit unclear to me tbh. Since the rules state that I wake up every sunset, why do I need to utilize the second ability of the Path of Radiance (where it states that you wake up at sunset and rest at sunrise)?

Also, if I use the first ability of the Path of Radiance do I still need to spend 1 Blood to wake up every day?

Oh, and do I still have the ability to spend blood to pretend to be human if I have the Weak Blood asset?


Oof, that's on me. The second Path of Radiance ability should say you awake at sunrise. Will fix that too. And the third ability is made pretty much useless by being Weak Blood.

Thank you so much!

One last question, since it has not been answered yet.

Do I still need to spend 1 Blood to wake up if I use the first ability of the Path of Radiance?


Yes, because it makes yo awake for an entire day (24h).


How is this a FREE game at this level of weight and polish?! And professionally so?!

W h a t ?  H O W ? !

I love it.


Oh, you! 🤭


Im running a 1030s game now, im digging it. Look forward to blood sorcery (one of my players keeps asking after it) I've shoehorned  in human mages and i use silversworn for werewolfs.


Wow, really cool! I never thought about actually using Elegy for in a dark age setting. How's it going? Also, how are you doing the mage stuff?


This is awesome! 

One question - will a new version with backs for the cards be released?


I might include that in future updates!

Thank you!


Hello hello, I have a question for you, my girlfriend is interested in translating this for free into Spanish, she likes this kind of things, and she is a translator, and she wants to make a little portfolio, is it possible that she can do it? By the way, sorry for my poor English. 

Of course!


I really liked the game. The layout is impressive and the book is gorgeous. Rules-wise, I'd like to ask for more options on each truth, since they are quite polarizing (either you get VTM-like things or you get the other ones), and also a truth about the origin of vampirism, just to further customize the game, but those are my own requests.

Also, if I wanted to make fan content, do you have any third party policy in mind? Or is it ok to publish under the same CC-BY 4.0 license?

Hello! Thank you for your feedback.

To be honest I thought about other truths but I didn't include any because they weren't that interesting tbh. I might revamp this aspect of the game in the future and introduce many new truths — I'd love to! In the meantime, I must think about them. The one about the origin of vampirism is great!

I totally forgot about the fan content question. Sorry!

You're totally allowed to do custom content. All you have to do is follow the same license.

And please, if you do, don't forget to tell me! I'd love to see other people's visions about Elegy.


Adorei essa pegada de ironsworn para vampiro



I happily purchased a copy of the book and have thoroughly gone through it. I must say, it's truly impressive. The document exudes a high level of professionalism, and I'm particularly enamored of the powers, background, stats, and city setting. After reading it, I really want to dive in to Elegy.

However, I must admit that I'm facing a bit of a challenge due to my lack of experience with Ironsworn and solo RPGs. I'm struggling to grasp the practical application of the rules. I've been diligently taking notes, but it feels like I'm going in circles. I learn best when I can immerse myself in examples, and that's the one thing I'd respectfully suggest might be missing.

Are you aware of any resources or individuals who have provided examples of combat using the system and powers? Perhaps combat that leads to and is later affected by stress, impacts, or losing control due to hunger? In short, examples would be a huge help to newbies like me.


Hi, Mordred!

Thank you for your feedback. You're right, including an example of gameplay in the book would not be a bad idea. I will keep that in mind for future revisions.

Anyway, KJ Curry has published a bit of her Elegy gameplay on her channel. You might want to check it so you can get a taste of what the game can play like.


KJ Curry did a wonderful job. I hope she continues past the second session.

Thank you for the reply and for those of us who learn by exemplars, please do kindly consider adding some detailed examples of the system.

What font did you use for the headers of this book? It looks very good.

Indeed, it's a great font! It's called Mason Serif.


Hey, quick question: would it be possible for you to include (or separately publish) a changelog for new versions of the rules? For example, it's currently not possible to see, whether an update was just fixing a typo or whether game mechanics were changed.



Of course. I did that on the last version (not on the others, my bad). You can see it in the devlog on this same page. Cheers!


I've not read completely through, yet, but it looks great so far. Definitely great work on the layout and art! 

Quick question (p. 26):

Sinner may be marked when you are Starving, at 0 spirit and consumes blood.
Shouldn't this be "at 0 blood"? (also "consume" w/o the s).


You're absolutely right. I just updated the whole sinner part.

Thank you!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, thanks for your response. I finished the book and really enjoyed the lore chapters. Looking forward to giving it a go.

If you don't mind, I have some more comments and suggestions about the rules :)

There is a typo on p. 55:

Drives and goals and goals

About the correction for Sinner (and sorry about not noticing this before):

Sinner may be marked when you are Starving, at 0 blood and consume blood.

and further below

When this impact is marked, you have 0 blood and you consume more blood

I would interpret consuming as drinking, i.e. increasing blood from 0 to something higher, but I think you mean pay/spend/lose blood points, correct?


Without reading Ironsworn and being familiar with iron vows it might be difficult to imagine what elegies should look like. A few examples or even faction/lineage-based starting elegies to choose from could help with that.

Blood usage

On p. 10 it says

Power assets are vampiric abilities that always consume blood when used.

and further down in the comments you mentioned

You always expend 1 point of blood when you [...] use a supernatural power or heal yourself

However, this could be made clearer in the book. It would be nice to have a short section "Using powers" in chapter 3 ("Playing the Game") that explicitely

  • mentions "Activating a power always costs 1 blood in addition to any points mentioned in the power's asset text" (e.g., 1-5 blood points for Acute Senses for a total of 2-6)
  • differentiates using Power, Nature and "other" assets (I believe there is no category name for non-power non-nature assets like Marked)
  • makes clear, that it is possible to put yourself at Starving or even Sinner when using a power (waking up + activating Acute Senses + deciding to spend 5 blood points = 7 in total)
  • warns about the fact that you lose the game, when you go to sleep as Sinner and with 0 blood ;)


I noticed that there are no moves in your game. This reminds me of World of Dungeons, where practically everything is Dungeon World's Defy Danger move, which is formulated similar to your Action Rolls. Do you plan on creating specific moves in the future or did you specifically decide against them? I always find moves to be a good way to introduce more structure to the game and especially to capture the atmosphere of the genre you play in.


Last but not least, I would be interested to know what you think about and if you ever thought about replacing health and blood with only one Blood resource that represents both health and a character's pool to spend on powers. This would further increase the impact of the decision when to use blood and for what.



Firstly, thank you for your awesome feedback. You've been extremely helpful.

I'll correct the typos, add some examples of elegies (maybe all in the same section, maybe along relevant text parts) and change consume to spend — this one is so obvious, I can't believe I didn't see the confusion!

About the blood usage, I'll make all that clearer. I guess I'll expand the Hunger section instead of adding another one, but I'm not sure yet.

On having no moves (only two types of rolls): Elegy started with almost as many moves as Starforged (so more than 30). It might be partly a matter of personal taste, but I found out that having so many moves was getting on the way of the actual storytelling — I hate stopping my game to look for a rule. To me, that kind of rhythm is more important in a more atmospheric game like VtM than it is in Ironsworn.

Lastly, I actually considered merging Health and Blood in the beginning of the development. It's a very interesting concept, but I couldn't think of an elegant way to pull it off considering aspects of the meters (how fast they go down, how often they should be almost empty, how scarce their resources should be, etc.). Plus, the greater diversity of resources creates richer combinations of situations and challenges your character could face.

Again, thanks for the feedback. I'll implement it and credit you asap.

Have a nice day!


This is incredible, Moro.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi! I really like the game so far, it's super fun! I'm playing as a vampire detective/P.I. and enjoying it quite a bit. I have a couple questions though!

First of all, I think your oracles are somewhat incomplete, at least if I'm interpreting them correctly. All of the oracles under General and most under Characters share the same issue, being that there are missing numbers. There are columns for 00-10, 20-30, 40-50, 60-70, and 80-90, but no responses for 11-19, 31-39, etc. Am I misunderstanding the way dice are supposed to be used with these tables? Is it like role a d100 to see if you get 00, 10, 20, 30, etc, and then go to the respective column and roll a d10? 

Another question I have is using blood. If i don't use a power that requires me to use blood, won't I almost never lose blood? Or I guess my question is really what situations outside of using powers would cause my character to lose blood?

Thanks for taking the time to make this, I love it a lot! I hope my questions make sense and don't come across in a negative way, I love what you've done so far!

EDIT: After reading the rules I see you use a blood everytime you wake up as well as using blood to heal, awesome makes sense! But I still want to know if there are other causes to losing blood other than those 2, although those seem like more than enough to me now that i understand them.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi! Glad to hear you're having fun with your vampire detective!

About those oracles: The columns represent the tens, and the lines represent the units. In other words, you roll 1d10 to meet a column and 1d10 to meet a line.

About the blood: You always expend 1 point of blood when you awake each sunset, appear human for a scene, use a supernatural power or heal yourself (edit: after answering this post, I updated the bit about blood and hunger on page 36 to make it clearer). Even if you don't have any Power assets, you'll end up spending blood and needing to feed.

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask them!


How okay is it to tweak the rules for the setting like how sunlight affects Vampires or adding different monsters to the setting like tooth fairy mice, banshees, mummies or fairies in general.

I personally have no plan to do that officially, but everyone's free to play the game however they want. For the other monsters, you can even base their stats on the ones already existing. That's what I would do.


This definitely scratches the vampire itch! Great work! This is seriously professional level stuff.

Thank you so much!


Great work! Have you ever thought about adapting other aspects of WOD like Mage or Werewolf? Thanks for the hardwork!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the compliment!

I've included werewolves and wizards (mages) as sample NPC types. I might include more detailed types of those characters in the future (perhaps with exclusive oracles), but creating player characters that are not vampires would require a really, really deep change in the system.

(1 edit) (+4)

Amazing work.... the perfect union of Ironsworn and Vampire the Masquerade... If you love World of Darkness, you need to play this :-)

Thank you so much!