Elegy for Kindle: Yay or Nay?

Hello, nice people!

As a book designer, I create not only paper books and PDFs but also e-books for e-readers like Kindle. I've been thinking of maybe creating an e-reader version of Elegy.

Technically speaking, it would be a reflowable EPUB; in other words, a file specifically formatted for e-readers that adapts to any screen size, offer customizable font sizes, and have no decorative images. You could easily send it to your phone, Kindle, or other devices. It would be available for download along with the other PDFs of the game.

Would you be interested in having this version?

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I would love that! :D


this would be a very big and welcome deal for me, as someone bedbound enough that I can’t use my desktop very often. 


Personally, I don’t need it. I like my Kindle, but I don’t use it for role-playing, it is too slow. On mobile, most PDF readers are better than Amazon’s app. All in all I’m happy with the PDFs.


I think that is a great idea. I would use that.


Sounds lovely! more games should do that


I’ve often wondered why we don’t offer e-reader versions of TTRPGs. I’ve seen very few…FATE Core is the only one I ever recall. Brilliant idea! I say go for it.